Eco-friendly kitchen furniture is essential for life, both short-term and long-term. Now, the eco-friendly lifestyle has become a trend. Almost everyone participates in the success of the go green campaign.
One of them is through the use of kitchen furniture. In addition to the low price, the furniture is not complicated in maintenance.
Its existence also adds aesthetics to the kitchen space. Moreover, the craftsmen always follow the trends and tastes of consumers.

Choosing Eco-Friendly Kitchen Furniture
The age of the earth on which we stand is getting older. Need the right way as a rescue step from various damages.
Switching to the concept of green design in furniture selection is the right way if you are interested in contributing to repairing natural damage. This makes several companies, both large and small start producing environmentally friendly furniture.
Now, you can present it in your favorite kitchen. These various types of furniture do not have the potential to cause waste because they are more durable. In order not to choose the wrong one, recognize it through the following characteristics.
Made of Wood
Wooden furniture is certainly not the result of illegal logging. The timber is not illegal but has been officially certified (Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) as industrial timber.
Wood will go through several processes to transform into environmentally friendly kitchen furniture in the form of kitchen cabinets, kitchen tables, and chairs.
If one day the furniture is damaged, it will not be wasted. In the hands of the right people, they will recycle the wood. For example, the former broken frame can become a dining table by going through the re-finishing stage.
Choose Durable and Sturdy Wood
So that kitchen furniture really does not damage the environment, you should choose wood that has good long-term durability and is strong. Usually use teak, mahogany, or trembesi wood that is really old.
Flexible Design
Eco-friendly kitchen furniture is flexible. That is, it has an unloading feature. There are certain parts that allow users to assemble them themselves.
In addition, it will not be difficult to move the product. Suppose you have to move house, you can still take it to a new house.
On the other hand, it will reduce the production of carbon emissions when transporting. Look, so many roles of environmentally friendly kitchen furniture as a step to save the earth. Still thinking twice about switching to using it?
No Chemicals
Solvent based is beautiful. However, it contains chemical substances harmful to both living things and the environment.
Instead, choose furniture with safe finishing. For example, using water-based materials or water-based finishing such as wood pelitur paint.
Furniture that also functions as a storage area makes you not need to use a lot of furniture. In addition to being environmentally friendly and budget-saving, it also saves space.
For example, choose a kitchen table with storage drawers or cabinets at the bottom.
Now, you already know how to choose environmentally friendly kitchen furniture. In the future, do you have the intention to switch to using it? Remember if this is the easiest way to invest in health for you and your family.